Making an Impact on Learning: libraries and learning resources; elearning and VLEs; information literacy and study skills; assessment and accreditation; trainability and selection
Project Development and Management
- Project management of major refurbishments/new builds of libraries and learning resource spaces at three colleges - all on time and on budget
- Transfer from Blackboard to Moodle
- Development of trainability selection and assessment systems for clients in the engineering industry
- Creation of APL Centre for joint clients: Hopwood Hall College & Rochdale Training Enterprise Council
- Project Manager for development of NVQ assessment and quality assurance systems for EITB/EnTra
Information and Study Skills
- Short training modules for library staff
- Menu of sessions for HE & FE students adapted as needed
- Lesson plans & resources prepared for colleagues to deliver
- Collection of study skills resources compiled for integration into courses by HE Lecturers
- Resources contributed to North West Information Skills collaboration
Vision and Management of VLE
- Managing the Blackboard VLE at Mid Cheshire College – increasing the use from basic file storage to creative applications for various curriculum areas
- Engagement - students & teachers
- Personalisation - differentiation, learning styles, inclusivity
- Efficiency – repurposing, sharing, monitoring & tracking
- Creativity: collaborating, inspiring, digital fluency
- Currently fluent in Bb basic, moving to Moodle summer 2011
- Young female psychologist managing male engineers twice my age
- Developing new services and approaches counter to prevailing culture
- Delivering a service reliant on others where the service wasn't a high priority for them
- Gaining trust of a feisty team and encouraging them to teach me how to be a learning resources manager
- Motivating a team to excel after a challenging restructure
- Repeated successful management of staff with different expertise to me
- Collegiate management style facilitates development of strong staff who progress well